The fin whale that washed ashore near Tony Knowles Coastal Trail in November will be moved and taken to a museum on Friday.
How do you take apart a whale? With flensing knives, meat hooks, plastic sleds and a crowd of people. On Thursday, dozens of volunteers gathered on the Anchorage mudflats to cut apart the 47-foot-long ...
"We could not confirm its size, but it doesn't look like a calf or juvenile. It looks more like an adult or sub-adult." ...
A new study out of the University of Vermont quantifies just how much migrating female whales do to sustain ocean ecosystems.
The waters of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary off central California are rich feeding grounds for blue, fin and humpback whales that cruise the coast during their annual migrations. Whales ...
Whales are a group of mammals that live in oceans. They include some of the largest animals on Earth. The blue whale is the ...
Conducted over the course of six years, the study focused on three baleen species — humpback, fin and blue whales — located off the U.S. West Coast. Using submerged microphones, known as hydrophones, ...
Where they lived: Dinosaur fossils have been found on every continent, including Antarctica. What they ate: Some ate plants, while others ate animals, including other dinosaurs. How big they were ...
For perspective, fin whales produce more than 250 gallons of urine per day when they are feeding, a study in Iceland suggests. Humans pee less than half a gallon daily. “Because of their size, whales ...
(One study in Iceland suggests that fin whales produce more than 250 gallons of urine per day when they are feeding. Humans pee less than half a gallon daily.) Whales undertake the longest migration ...
MONTEREY BAY, Calif. – A group of Southern Resident killer whales were spotted in Monterey Bay, California, on Tuesday in a rare spectacle of the endangered creatures. About 25 of the whales were seen ...
Orcas, or killer whales, are deadly and beautiful apex predators. From France comes a call for Trump's America to return Lady Liberty. Here's why it won't happen Ben Stiller, Mark Ruffalo and More ...