I don’t really have a whole lot of memorabilia from my dad. So just to get his diploma was amazing,” the man’s son told The News Tribune.
Students at Metro Elementary will bring beloved characters from Dr. Seuss to stage with "Seussical Jr." this weekend with ...
Breitung Township Schools is focusing on ways to create more engagement between the school and the community. Superintendent ...
Of course, when adults go back to school it’s usually with other adults, not elementary school kids. But if you were in Jacob’s (Chris Perfetti) shoes, wouldn’t you also want a front row seat for ...
Using their strengths in interesting activities helps students develop confidence and make a difference in the school ...
Niwot High School choirs traveled to Orlando, Florida, on Mar. 13 to compete at Festival Disney, an all Disney-produced music ...
Approximately 1,600 third through fifth grade students from 19 elementary schools in Cache Valley filled the Daines Concert ...
The Tyler County Board of Education met on Monday night March 17 at A.I. Boreman Elementary school. All board members were ...
The Charlotte Harness Seals Performing Arts Center completes a $44 million project including a new wing of classrooms.
Copper Mill Elementary’s fifth and sixth grade choirs sang for the Louisiana Music Educators Association Vocal Large Ensemble ...
Pictured is the combined choir from East and West Middle Schools performing on stage at Deer Creek High School. Katie Nichols is directing and Chad Keilman is the piano accompanist. (Photo credit: ...
The district also wants to upgrade HVAC systems at its three elementary schools, middle school ... along with additional storage and classroom space for the band and choir programs. Willingboro has ...