The GEO Group and ICE are opening a 1,800-bed facility in Baldwin, Michigan, at the former North Lake Correctional Facility.
A massive block of ice plummeted into a Florida home after falling out of the sky, leaving both the local community and ...
Slush canons, snow bots and possibly heat pumps could help preserve ice on Ottawa’s Rideau Canal as winters shrink.
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LAKE PLACID — Lake Placid High School students are applying their newest science skills to help with a proud Adirondack ...
Beau Estes, aka "The GOATmentator," is as renowned as they come when someone thinks about the voice behind NBA highlights.
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Franco Caraballo called his wife Friday night, crying and panicked. Hours earlier, the 26-year-old barber and dozens of other ...
The American University Student Government this month passed a referendum calling on the school to designate itself a ...
The 2005 teen sports dramedy starring Michelle Trachtenberg helped millennial girls find the confidence they needed.
Players and organizers see the collaboration as an opportunity to create more opportunities for athletes on the women's team.