Based on the beloved Nickelodeon comedy series, the film centers around Henry Hart, who becomes a local hero in Dystopia after leaving his Swellview days behind. Just as the trappings of fame ...
Cohen (Schwoz) and Frankie Grande (Frankini). New cast member Glee Dango plays Missy Martin, the superfan. The HenryDanger series was created by Dan Schneider and Dana Olsen. It debuted on ...
Henry Hart meets a superfan—eager to fight crime with Kid Danger—who comes into possession of a device that can open up alternate realities. Facing a wild ride, Henry will need his best friend ...
Juggling a job as a waitress and raising two boys on her own--little Peter, and the 11-year-old child prodigy, Henry--the single mother, Susan Carpenter, has a somewhat chaotic life, depending on ...