A reported attack by a caracal wild cat on Israeli soldiers has gone viral among social media users in the Arab world.
"Any other caracal would've had your hand for breakfast ... though they are occasionally kept as exotic pets. According to ...
Lynx have big paws, tufts on their ears, and hairy soles. They also have long legs and paws. The caracal is a short-tailed, ...
A student who is filming a documentary about 'big cats' in Cumbria has provided an update on his findings so far. Harlem Karma, 18, has recently set up trail cams at Grizedale Forest to try and sight ...
Mukundra Hills Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan has captured its first photographic evidence of a caracal, a rare wild cat, marking ...
They have a short face, long canine teeth, and a narrow black line running from each eye to the nose ...
A caracal, a critically endangered species in India, has been spotted for the first time in Rajasthan's Mukundra Hills Tiger Reserve. The elusive wild cat was captured on camera during the reserve ...
Caracal discovered in Mukundra Hills Tiger ... harbor other elusive and threatened species in addition to its famous big cats. Rajasthan's Forest, Environment & Climate Change Minister Sanjay ...
The rural legend is based on multiple sightings of big cats across the county including black panthers, leopards, lynxes, and caracal, as well as gruesome discoveries of animal carcasses that ...