The 'tough love' of a mother tiger teaching her cub, won the Nature’s Best Photography contest awarding amazing shots of ...
An attempt to turn Oak Hill, the Loudoun County home of President James Monroe, into a state park nearly became history in the General Assembly. The Senate Finance & Appropriations Committee ...
Safari trends to watch for in 2025 include increasing solo travelers on safari and the safari season extending longer.
In the dry, sandy soils of southern Africa, a rugged survivor stands tall: Vachellia erioloba, more commonly known as the ...
attempts to take down a giraffe, resting, belly low, between their strikes. The normally water-shy big cats are well adapted to the delta, using it to cool off in. This allows them to hunt in the heat ...
An Arizona zoo has to modify its giraffe enclosure after one animal got out. Screengrab from Reid Park Zoo's Facebook A 3-year-old giraffe snuck out of her enclosure at an Arizona zoo and was ...
A study has revealed that the Miombo woodland stores far more carbon than people realized. That could mean that protecting ...
BOWIE COUNTY, Texas (KSLA) - An early morning storm blew through the ArkLaTex Tuesday (March 4) damaging several structures in Bowie County. Bowie County Emergency Management Coordinator Lance Hall ...
A Metro Detroit photo showing a dead giraffe in the bed of a pickup truck is real. Darren Wehner, a taxidermist and big game hunter, verified the authenticity of the animal. Wehner said the ...
Dreaming of an adventurous but altogether relaxing and luxurious respite? We’ve got you! We’ve put together a list of dreamy hotels where you’ll be enfolded by nature with the added bonus that ...