Big cats have always captured human fascination with their majestic presence and unparalleled grace. From the stealthy ...
When we think of big cats, images of fierce hunters and stealthy predators often come to mind. However, not all big cats live ...
It’s pretty exciting, considering this could be the first known cougar reproduction in modern times in the western Great ...
resulting in the deaths of 20 big cats at the Wild Felid Advocacy Center of Washington, a nonprofit animal sanctuary in Shelton, Washington. While less is known about how captive big cats are ...
The motto of The Wild Animal Sanctuary is "No Mating, Only Dating." Above all, The Wild Animal Sanctuary is a place for second chances.
Cougar cubs have been found living wild in Michigan for the first time in more than a century, state wildlife biologists ...
While establishing new national parks can help tiger conservation, experts say it is not the only factor in protecting this iconic endangered species. Namita Singh reports ...
In a boost to India's cheetah conservation project, a female big cat and its four cubs will be released into the wild at the ...
In a boost to India’s cheetah conservation project, a female big cat and its four cubs will be released into the wild at the ...