Gilbert Memorial C.M.E Church, 713 Redwood Avenue, phone: 940-500-4548: The church will be celebrating their 120th ...
The deadline for Saturday Religion calendar submissions is 5 p.m. Mondays. Listings can be sent to [email protected]. Unless noted, addresses are in Little Rock.
The Europeans instruments have somehow survived multiple centuries, are now being heard at First Presbyterian Church off ...
The First Methodist Church of Warren will have a rededication organ recital on their newly renovated and upgraded 1927 Austin ...
Food Pantry ...
La Faye Duren has played the pipe organ at Second Baptist Church, adding a classical flavor to African American spirituals.
From the pews and choir loft to the balcony and classrooms, at least 700 people packed Pilgrim Baptist Church’s ...
The team at Saint John's University is working on their first project, a 30-foot-wide instrument with over 3,000 pipes.
The U.S. Department of Justice has concluded its investigation of the Southern Baptist Convention, having not filed any ...
Her “Celebration of Life” memorial was livestreamed at and on YouTube. Here are some highlights: Flack's ...
In their analyses, Vasan et al 7 studied the impact of HMODs using data from the four Framingham cohorts (Offspring, Gen3, Omni-1 and Omni-2). The sample included a total of 7898 participants with at ...
Olive Baptist Church, 2011 Dunbar Rd., Georgetown ... Zion United Methodist Church will have an Organ and Piano Recital on Sunday, March 30, at 4 p.m., featuring Eddie Huss, guest organist ...