The integration of structured light beams and machine learning offers a new approach to environmental sensing, measuring ...
The Earth Sciences contribute to answers on a wide range of societal and economic questions in areas such as: the natural means of existence (water, raw materials, the energy transition), the ...
Nearly two centuries after Faraday’s failed attempts, scientists have demonstrated that Earth's continuous spin can directly ...
Despite the bounce and subsequent expansion, nothing can leave the event horizon, so it expands into a new region of ...
Scientists observed electron swirls in tantalum arsenide, revealing quantum vortex structures in momentum space.
The leading explanation for all of these mysteries is known as the giant impact hypothesis. According to this story, when the ...
Floating around at the edge of the Solar System are leftovers from its formation. This is the Kuiper Belt, which is composed ...
Driving Earth’s tectonic plate movement and powering its magnetic field requires an immense amount of power. The energy is derived from the center of the Earth, but scientists are certain the ...
The breakthrough experiments revealed that the quantum vortex is created by orbital angular momentum—electrons' circular motion around atomic nuclei. "When we first saw signs that the predicted ...
"On Earth, large-scale atmospheric waves caused ... that GWs facilitate the rapid vertical transfer of angular momentum, significantly influencing the meridional, or north-south, in the middle ...