Newark Advocate Faith Works columnist Jeff Gill explains why he finds the ancient collection of books that make up the Bible fascinating.
Archaeologists have discovered evidence of an Egyptian army where an Israelite king was killed. The discoveries at Megiddo, ...
An international team of researchers claims that a boat-shaped mound 18 miles (30km) south of Mount Ararat in Turkey is actually the fossilised remains of Noah's Ark.
Syria — Church bells echoed across the rocky slopes of this ancient Syrian town on a cold Sunday morning. But few families remained. Maaloula is one of the world’s few places where residents still ...
Armageddon or the ancient city otherwise known as Megiddo is the setting in the New Testament for a final battle between the forces of good and evil at the end of time. Archeologists believe that ...
MAALOULA, Syria (AP) — Church bells echoed across the rocky slopes of this ancient Syrian town on a cold Sunday morning. But few families remained. Maaloula is one of the world’s few places where ...
After the success of “The Chosen,” Amazon and Netflix are converting Bible stories into films and TV shows with “Game of Thrones”-style intrigue and romantic comedy elements. By Annie ...
Credit: NYC Wanderer (Kevin Eng) / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 2.0 The Bible is the biggest-selling and most read book in human history; originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic, the first ...
MAALOULA, Syria (AP) — Church bells echoed across the rocky slopes of this ancient Syrian town on a ... world's few places where residents still speak Aramaic, the language that Jesus is ...