A newly translated runic inscription has shed “compelling” new light on who might have owned the Galloway Hoard, experts have announced. The Viking Age hoard, which contains more than 5kg of gold, ...
The news that Oxfordshire County Council's elections will go ahead in May 2025 has been widely welcomed as a win for democracy.
Anthony Collins has been reappointed as the sole legal provider of housing services for Cottsway Housing Association.
The U’s now have a free weekend, but neighbours Oxford City are offering supporters the opportunity to watch the Hoops for just £5. City welcome Leamington in Vanarama National League North on ...
Businesses in West Oxfordshire and Cherwell are being encouraged to use two support schemes before they come to a close.
COWLEY boxer Jordan Flynn says he ‘can’t wait to land that first punch’ when he fights Cameron Vuong next month.
The 'freaked-out' landlady of a 'haunted' pub claims footage of a glass smashing on its own could be a frustrated 'ghostly punter'.
A design competition for young people to raise awareness about the overuse of antibiotics has announced its winners.
Lee Butcher, 26, is on trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with one count of knowingly trespassing with intent to commit a sexual offence and one count of sexual assault. It is alleged that on August ...
Having been given notice to leave the Kassam Stadium, which is not owned by the club, Oxford United’s plans to construct a new stadium and community facilities at The Triangle near Oxford Parkway ...