Hyper Light Breaker is a semi-sequel to 2016's pixel-graphics action game Hyper Light Drifter, taking the game in a new ...
Civilization VII aims to respect its own history while taking the series forward in a number of bold and surprising ...
Set in a mysterious Victorian town, Venture to the Vile is a Metroidvania puzzle/action/platformer with a distinctive visual style.
Bandai Namco Europe has released Tales of Graces f Remastered today on all major platforms. Click here for more details.
Developer The Outer Zone and publisher 11 bit studios are delighted to announce their upcoming title Death Howl for PC.
South Korean indie game developer Lizard Smoothie partners with NEOWIZ to bring the roguelike gem Shape of Dreams.
Gaming has become a multifaceted activity that impacts mental health in diverse ways, offering both benefits and challenges.