Living to 100 may seem like a far-fetched dream. However, researchers studying the world's rare 'Blue Zones' suggest that ...
Fish oil, a liquid gold for some, contains particularly hard-to-come-by omega-3 fatty acids that serve a variety of important ...
How will changing climatic conditions on a warming planet affect India’s fisheries sector? And how will the adverse effects ...
Fish sauce is an indelible part of Vietnam's culture and essential for its vibrant cuisine. In small fishing villages across ...
Blue-footed boobies are well known for their name, but their unusually-colored feet serve several purposes in the wild.
One of the most significant aspects of the agreement is the formal closure of specific islands to commercial fishing, with ...
Toxic algae bloom is wreaking havoc on the Southern California coast, especially in local sea lions, causing seizures, ...
In the rich waters of South Africa's coasts, 6 key breeding colonies of the African penguin are now no-go zones for ...