The seating of Rep. David Gottfried, who represents parts of Shoreview and Roseville in District 40B, means the power-sharing ...
House DFL Floor Leader Jamie Long said before the House session that Democrats were “ready and willing” to work in a ...
The band Semisonic is pushing back at the White House for using their hit song “Closing Time” over a social media post that ...
Republican control of the Minnesota House will come to an end Monday when a newly elected Democrat is sworn in, bringing the ...
Republicans in the Minnesota House lost a one-seat edge in the Capitol, where tensions over party dominance have simmered for ...
Democratic-Farmer-Labor candidate David Gottfried has been elected in Minnesota’s special election for House District 40B, ...
The special election was held in a heavily Democratic district in the northern St. Paul suburbs of Roseville and Shoreview.
A special election for a Twin Cities metro state House seat will determine the balance of power in the chamber on Tuesday, ...
A Democrat and a Republican are vying for a seat in the Minnesota House of Representatives in a special election that could ...
Shortly after the Minnesota House gaveled in for the day on Monday, DFL Rep. David Gottfried was sworn in after winning a ...
Representative David Gottfried was sworn in on Monday afternoon. Gottfried’s confirmation puts the DFL at 67 votes, enough to ...