A fundraiser will allow fans to name Jackie and Shadow's eaglets -- so long as their name suggestions pass the scrutiny of ...
A fundraiser will allow fans to name Jackie and Shadow's eaglets -- so long as their name suggestions pass the scrutiny of ...
Help name the newest stars of the nest! The contest to submit names for Jackie and Shadow’s viral bald eagle chicks is ...
A pair of bald eagles is nesting along Lake Ontario in Irondequoit and delighting residents, but conservationists worry ...
The daily life of Jackie and Shadow from their nest is livestreamed online and draws in thousands of views. In early March, Big Bear’s beloved bald eagles Jackie and Shadow hatched three eggs. Two ...
The internet’s favorite bald eagle couple Jackie and Shadow have been hard at work caring for their eaglets. The nonprofit ...
Friends of the Big Bear Valley are looking for the people's help to name Jackie and Shadow’s two eaglets. Why it matters: ...
The bald eagle chick naming is a fundraiser for FOBBV who rely on donations to provide the Bald Eagle Cam livestream 24/7/365 as a public benefit, free from advertisements. You can place your entries ...
Bottom line, it comes back to a set of incredibly dedicated parents doing whatever is necessary to care for their family.
What would you name two bald eagle chicks? Talon? Sam Eagle? Leslie? Whatever your choice, it could become reality.
While bald eagle parents Jackie and Shadow wrestle with the responsibilities of parenting, their two brand new chicks are ...
The Redlands library has set up a monitor to help patrons who might not have access to the livestream at home.