A chillingly intact Irish famine workhouse that still stands in Laois, has been awarded €200,000 to preserve it into the ...
From concealed rooms to new-builds that look like they’ve been there for centuries, these homes have secrets that are waiting ...
A HISTORIC building in Laois that captures the devastation of the Great Famine has been awarded €200,000 for restoration ...
The CORE Student Hub at The Workhouse, sponsored by Go Succeed and supported by South West College (SWC), provides a collaborative space for students to gain insights into the business world. On ...
During the Victorian era, Glasgow became the workhouse of the empire as the industrial revolution saw heavy industry such as ...
Sacramento leaders have talked about replacing the I Street Bridge over the Sacramento River for about a quarter century. Why there isn’t now action.
During this local election season, we come together as a community of organizers, activists, advocates, organizational ...
The pair worked together on the Disney+ series that should be your next must-watch if you were captivated by their ...
As Mayor Tishaura Jones faces re-election, City Justice Center opens doors to showcase renewed focus on rehabilitation ...
More than 2,200 kilometres away from home, facing the future of finishing my degree and embarking on my career as a ...
A Republican senator is pushing a bill that would grant sweeping legal immunity to pesticide and herbicide manufacturers, protecting these multinational corporations from lawsuits when consumers ...
The shameful passage of the assisted dying Bill where safeguards have been all but jettisoned is symptomatic of a ...