As the last ice age was ending, Australian megafauna that included giant kangaroos went extinct, and it is even more depressing than we thought.
NCAA Tournament first-round game | Climate Pledge Arena, Seattle | 4:35 p.m. Friday | TruTv | 1290-AM, 107.5-FM ...
The huntable species are the Red Kangaroo (Macropus rufus), the Western Grey Kangaroo (M. fuliginosus), which includes the mainland subspecies (M. fuliginosus melanops) and the Kangaroo Island ...
In the remnant rainforests of coastal far-north Queensland, bushwalkers may be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a ...
Scientists stalking a small marsupial through a remote Australian rainforest say they may have found a clue to the mystery of ...
Tracy Dods, 55, of Kanimbla in the Blue Mountains, was prosecuted by the RSPCA over a female eastern grey kangaroo in her care from October 2020 to March 2021, during the pandemic. Tracy Dods ...
Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital staff tend to an injured eastern grey kangaroo found trapped up to its neck in a stormwater drain.Credit: Getty Images As well as the koala, the hospital has treated an ...
Colorado’s gray wolves roamed farther into the Western Slope last month, with at least one of the canines setting foot in a watershed that extends to the Utah border, according to a new map ...
Horry County police pocketed a unique stray on Saturday, managing to cajole a wayward kangaroo back into its enclosure. Photo ...
Battery energy storage systems could be the wildcard for lithium demand, as one analyst predicts an earlier than expected ...
On the eve of the Mid-American Conference men's basketball tournament, the Akron Zips won four of the MAC Specialty Awards.