At the start of March, the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center reported that snow levels above Lake Powell were 87% of the ...
A few Western lawmakers are trying to roll back a Biden-era strategy to control the spread of smallmouth bass in the Grand ...
W.F. Strong points to how geological features defined over a century ago hold lessons for water challenges in the future.
Award-winning author and journalist Zak Podmore has spent more than a decade writing about water and conservation issues in the West. A longtime Utahn, Podmore will be discussing his new book about ...
Utah is known for its natural beauty, and it's camping options are no different. Find out which one of its campsites was ...
Meteorologists look to April 1 as the date when snowpack peaks and begins to melt, leaving little time this year to make up the difference. The Bureau of Reclamation, the federal agency that manages ...
Trump’s early actions, including ordering the US Army Corps of Engineers to open two California dams, have led to concerns ...
In addition to the ongoing standstill, the Lower Basin’s letter stressed infrastructure problems with the Glen Canyon Dam above Lake Powell ... water and dams in the West, but Entsminger ...
Fire season starts earlier, lasts longer, and in some years, ignites the forests into record-breaking blazes, like the ...