Nearly two hours into the University Community Planning Group’s March 11 meeting, a decision on a large proposed development ...
If nights spend rubbing shoulders with celebrities in Hollywood or the days spent strolling the Sunset Strip have you worn out, then it’s time to leave Tinsel Town for a few days and take a […] ...
Darren Williams, 53, was found shot in the parking lot of the Mont Michel apartment complex in the CUF neighborhood. Williams was transported to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center with ...
San Diego in the first five days of enforcement of a state prohibition on parking cars within 20 feet of an intersection ...
The locations of the parking areas from First to Seventh avenues, on Main Street a block and a half in either direction, is ...
The team has secured off-site parking lots within a mile radius, with most costing $20-$30 per game. Fans can participate in a "March to the Match" from designated lots, led by the Defiance 1636 ...
Land-use policies promoting higher density and development near mass transit, as well as hikes to meters and other parking-related fees ...
These agencies will manage the surface parking lots in these areas from Tuesday onwards. The step intends to end illegal parking, where vehicles’ theft had become commonplace NOIDA: The Noida ...
Corewell Health wants to pull off a bit of a parking lot shuffle over the next few years ... And I look at this map showing what is dedicated to parking — not mixed use, parking — and ask ...