While Balto finished the run, it was Togo the dog who led his sled team through the longest stretch of the journey — more than 260 miles in just three days. Balto has always been regarded as a ...
There are about 100 Seppala Siberan sled dogs, many of them in Maine. Each can trace its ancestry directly, on both sides, to Togo. “They’re not interbred so they are a breed of their own ...
Public health officials agreed that dog sleds were their only hope to save Nome’s children. On January 27, a relay of 20 dog teams and drivers set out to haul serum from Nenana, 674 miles away, to ...
The sled dogs of Nome were Siberian huskies ... it was surely Seppala's lead dog Togo. Whilst Kaasen and his team made a 53-mile dash into Nome, Seppala clocked up 265 miles, having to cross ...