"After over 60 years of occupation, Tibetan children are growing up in exile, often disconnected from their homeland. The 'Dreaming Tibet' youth art exhibition offers a profound insight into how ...
Central to this policy is the forced assimilation of young Tibetan children through residential ... Generations of Tibetans have been raised in village schools and monasteries that preserved ...
such as forcing Tibetan children into colonial-style boarding schools, as part of its sinicization campaign. She called for greater Tibetan self-sufficiency and reduced dependence on the CTA while ...
Sikyong Penpa Tsering highlighted recent US support for Tibet, while officials stressed the importance of education and nurturing diverse talents among Tibetan children. The Tribune, now published ...
Three days after he was released from prison in December, a Tibetan village leader named Gonpo ... Yet, Tibetan children are losing their language through enrollment in state boarding schools ...
In an attempt to ethnically cleanse Tibet, China confines Tibetan children and adults in “cultural assimilation schools that resemble concentration camps,” he said. Even Tibetans living in free ...
Dolma Tsering Teykhang, the Deputy Speaker of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile, highlighted the importance of preserving Tibetan culture, language, and religion at a political gathering in McLeod ...
"Many Tibetan children today are reluctant to practice calligraphy," he said. "Xizang has a rich history and deep cultural significance - it deserves to be protected and passed down." While Lhasa ...
Everyone talks about the benefits of having a mom village. But what few realize is that in order to have one, you first have ...
which are part of China's broader efforts to forcibly assimilate Tibetan children and erase their cultural identity. She also raised serious concerns about the Chinese government's transnational ...
There are lots of institutes and schools that work really hard to make sure that Tibetan children still learn Tibetan in exile, that they learn how to read and write in Tibetan. So that is ...
US has also threatened sanctions against China for its attempts to forcibly assimilate Tibetan children through state-operated boarding schools, and impose Mandarin as a uniform language. The current ...