For thousands of years, the sitting figure of Ramses II watched over the Nile, till the construction of the Aswan dam threatened to drown the ancient temple under the waters of the river. In an ...
I feel for the ancient stonemasons who were forced to abandon their work when cracks started appearing in the granite ā€“ the ...
Its preservation is a result of Spain's assistance in protecting the ancient sites of Abu Simbel from flooding caused by the construction of the Aswan Dam in Egypt. The temple's decorative motifs ...
His portrayals of ancient sites in Egypt ā€” and Jerusalem, Baalbek, Petra and Arabia ā€” were bound into volumes of lithographs ...
the Abu Simbel temple in the early 1960s was a first act to recognize this idea. UNESCO launched an international safeguarding campaign to save monuments in Nubia from being flooded by the waters of ...
Al-Monitor is an award-winning media outlet covering the Middle East, valued for its independence, diversity and analysis. It is read widely by US, international and Middle East decision makers at the ...
The Great Temple, fronted by four colossal 21-metre statues of Ramses ... In 1959, this magnificent relic risked annihilation. Egypt was building the Aswan High Dam, needed to boost its agriculture ...
DAY 4: PHILAE TEMPLE COMPLEX AND THE TEMPLE OF KOM OMBO Today, you will venture just past the Aswan Low Dam with a visit to the Philae temple complex. Situated on a small island, the complex ...
This image shows Queen Arsinoë II in the Philae temple, Aswan, Egypt. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing ...
Continue south to Aswan, where the boat will moor for two nights. Visit the High Dam, the Old Granite Quarries with its Unfinished Obelisk, then take a motor boat to the Temple of Philae on an island.