The proposed ordinance would hold both landlords and occupants accountable for nuisance violations at a property.
An Arizona suburb was named among the top 10 places people are moving to in 2025, a new ranking shows. Here's where and why people are moving.
Tempe has released a list of street restrictions and bus detours while the Spring Festival of the Arts is held this weekend in downtown.
Attorneys for a Chicago police officer have notified the Tempe Police Department about their plans to sue the department.
Sam's Club has already begun hiring for its new Tempe Marketplace store and has a promotional discount on memberships.
Put on by the Tempe Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council, students will deliver TEDx-style presentations followed by a panel with ...
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion may be under attack nationwide, but Tempe is taking steps to embrace the diversity of language in the city with the launch of real-time language translation.
Wicked is playing at ASU Gammage, and to celebrate, Terra Tempe Kitchen & Spirits at The Westin is transforming into Emerald ...