The Snapchat half-swipe feature, originally designed to ease response pressure, is instead fuelling anxiety among teens, ...
Dear Helping: Though you say you’re trying to help, advocating that your girlfriend kick her daughter out of the house and ...
If you feel like your teen is a mystery, new data may help give you a better look inside their world. While teen boys and ...
Fear and anxiety continue to grip the family of a seventh-grade girl who was abducted and raped allegedly by one of their ...
In today's Dear Annie column, Annie Lane hears from a reader who was once close to his girlfriend's daughter, but everything ...
It won’t be easy, nor will it be a quick fix, but if you truly see a future with your girlfriend, you need to prove that you ...
Dear Annie: My girlfriend and I have been together for four years, and most of that time has been great. The last year and ...
We’ve long loved the tote for its “simple yet classic” design, its lack of branding, and its roomy interior. Brenley Goertzen ...
Over the last year to year and a half, as she has gone through the changes that come with coming of age, she has ...
A new study reveals changes in adolescent mental and behavioral health over 22 years, showing more teens in low-risk profiles ...
“An almost identical Super Puff dupe,” according to writer Kat Gillespie, who likes Quince’s puffer so much she named it the ...
My girlfriend and I have been together for four years, and most of that time has been great. The last year and half, however, has become quite complicated and strained due to her 14-year-old daughter.