To hear Stan Lee tell it, the X-Men came to be precisely because he was tired of making up origin stories. Instead of ...
Galactus looms large as a villain in the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but the latest MCU tie-in comic hints at an ...
Spider-Man is Marvel Comics’ single most globally recognized, and most financially lucrative, character in the publisher’s ...
The Absolute Universe has been an unmitigated success for DC Comics. Set in an deviant reality created by Darkseid, this ...
With Robert Downey Jr. set to play Doctor Doom in the MCU, there's one key character flaw that I'm most excited to see him ...
This is the story of Superman: one of the most recognizable characters in history is, at its core, the ultimate story of an ...
Jewish American artists were at the heart of the comics industry – and a closer read of beloved characters reflects fears ...
One of the greatest hopes for most superheroes is to redeem their villains, and there's one Spider-Man antagonist Peter knows ...
As such, Spider-Man inspired hero dialogue to be written similarly in other comics, and nowadays we have smart mouths like ...
Marvel Comics has some of the best superhero teams in comics, as well as some bad ones too. Here are five of the best and ...