JOHOR BAHRU: Pope Francis has appointed Msgr Bernard Paul, 62, as bishopelect of Melaka-Johor diocese ... After his ordination, he was posted to St Mary’s Church Tapah as assistant parish priest.
Discover the charm of Macau on foot! From historic streets to modern marvels, walking through Macau offers an intimate ...
The event originated in Argentina, and St. John Paul II played a fundamental ... and attended the Mass celebrated by Pope John Paul II in the Argentine National Church in Rome.
Why does God allow suffering? In this column we will consider Paul’s inward focus, the way in which he sees himself, through his suffering, as participating in salvation, especially the Passion ...
The Pope is well. He knows his time is up. The Church must prepare for the next pope. We have a role to play: Pray for the ...
Pope Francis has elevated the Sta. Cruz Church, or Archdiocesan Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament, into a minor basilica, the ...
As such, minor basilicas have a close connection to the pontiff. They also receive special privileges, such as the authority ...
Saints Peter and Paul Church announces its schedule for the church located at 260 N. Third St., Lehighton: • The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered on the Lord’s Day at Saints Peter and Paul Parish ...