While environmental monitoring professionals are keeping track of aerosols, greenhouse gases, nutrients, PFAS and ...
The FAO (2020) estimated that three billion people are living ... In addition to this, more than 800 million hectares of land are affected by salinity, and new challenges such as diminishing ...
For more information, affected parties can contact the FAO, at 310-FARM (3276 ... access to enough land for manure application so they do not exceed soil nitrate-nitrogen and salinity limits. manure ...
Climate change is likely to lead to increase in rainfall in the coming years, which, in turn, is likely to cause the degradation of soil on croplands. Salinity-affected areas in the country are ...
According to FAO, world coffee prices reached a multi-year high in 2024, increasing 38.8 percent on the previous year’s average, mostly due to inclement weather affecting key producing countries.
One of Heather Welch’s jobs — before she was fired via an email giving her just 90 minutes to pack up and leave — was to prevent collisions between the ships and whales navigating the water ...
These yard care chores should also involve a soil test. The Clemson extension soil testing program is a great way to learn what your soil needs to make your yard grow better. But it also has ...
The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) has called for “bold and urgent action” to protect plant health. At a meeting of the FAO’s Commission on Phytosanitary Measures ...
“Fish kill events can be brought on by a variety of causes including environmental factors such as temperature, rainfall (or lack of) and water quality including salinity or oxygen levels, or by ...