Jashore's fight for mother tongue began in February 1948, and during the course of the language movement, it eventually became the home to the second Shaheed Minar after Rajshahi in February 1952.
Medical Assistant Training School (MATS) students tonight launched a sit-in protest at the Central Shaheed Minar in Dhaka to press home their four-point demand. "We will stage a sit-in protest at ...
Two students from the chemistry department at Jagannath University (JnU) came under attack on Wednesday evening allegedly after speaking out against two students from the marketing department for ...
Lisbon is having a moment. It is the place on everyone’s lips and its breezy sea views, glossy tiled facades and red roofs feature on many an Instagram feed. The food surprises, with a depth far ...
Teachers of government primary schools gathered at the Central Shaheed Minar in Dhaka on Friday to demand an upgrade to the 10th-grade pay structure. Under the banner of "General Primary School ...
The Lisbon food scene has undergone an enormous change within the last few years and continues to boom, with restaurants launching fast and furious. An influential wave of young local chefs ...
The poster reading “The Spirit of ‘52 is the inspiration of ‘24”, featuring a 1971 photograph taken at the Central Shaheed Minar in Dhaka, has been removed following criticism. The poster ...
They continued their rampage into the old town, making their way to the Central Shaheed Minar, where they defaced a nameplate bearing the name of Sheikh Hasina. Later, their destructive spree ...
Saints defender hauled in first career interception, recorded first sacks in Black and Gold ...
The St. Dominic/Lisbon girls hockey team is ending its season with five games remaining on its schedule due to multiple injuries on an already thin roster. Head coach Paul Gosselin said the ...
In Bagerhat, six murals of Sheikh Mujib were defaced in the Muktijoddha Complex, Municipality Park, Shaheed Minar areas in the town, and in Mongla Upazila Parishad Complex, Mongla Children Park ...