As Nehemiah led his people to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls despite immense challenges, so too must we rise to rebuild our nation. “Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and not live with ...
I think the answer from the book of Nehemiah is joy. Nehemiah rose as a leader from post-exilic Israel with the goals of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, and the covenantal faith of the Israelites.
Souza went to the story of Nehemiah where the people of Israel have returned to the land after captivity in Babylon, and are working on rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem. “…now they are rebuilding ...
This group had been given permission to rebuild the walls of the city and the temple. The people were under the leadership of Nehemiah, the governor and Ezra, the priest. The city was in ruins. As ...
The 39th annual meeting of the National Black Methodists for Church Renewal last month featured preaching and teaching ... based on the story of Nehemiah who faced many problems while rebuilding the ...