Football Manager 2025 has been killed, and the pressure is on FM26 to be the best game in the series' history.
It was recently announced the next entry of a popular Sega simulation video game franchise is canceled, with focus shifting ...
The fateful announcement went up on official Football Manager social media channels, with a brief explanation that "following ...
The developer of Football Manager 25 has officially cancelled the game after a series of delays that saw it pushed from ...
Sports Interactive end months of silence and speculation by confirming FM25 was ‘too far away’ from living up to expectations ...
But does FM25's cancellation really suggest a video games crash is more likely? No, it doesn't. Sure, it's a surprising move for an annual sports franchise, but FM25 was so far delayed that it reached ...
You'll have wait a little while longer for a new Football Manager title, as Football Manager 25 has been cancelled.
Sega has canceled Football Manager 25, with developer Sports Interactive's focus now shifting to the next game in the series ...
FM25 was set to be a complete new experience for long-time Football Manager fans. It has now been canned with development ...
Sports Interactive and Sega have announced that Football Manager 25 is canceled and will the developer will instead focus on ...
For the first time in its 20-year history, soccer management sim Football Manager will be skipping a year. Football Manager ...
SEGA has cancelled its Football Manager 25 project with all focus now shifted to delivering Football Manager 26 later in the ...