Lottery database records showed someone activated a book containing 30 tickets for the Florida 300X The Cash scratch-off game ...
A Florida Circle K manager was arrested Wednesday after deputies said she took nearly $36,000 worth of lottery books and ...
A Michigan woman whose local store was sold out of the lottery ticket she wanted to buy was forced to choose a replacement -- ...
Richard Lustig won seven state-sponsored lottery games between 1993 and 2010. Richard Lustig of Orlando, Florida, could be considered the luckiest lottery winner − ever. With seven state-sponsored ...
A Michigan man recently won millions playing an unusual set of numbers, 6-6-6, on his lottery ticket in Owosso ...
A gas station convenience store manager in the Orlando area accused of stealing lottery tickets at work has been arrested. Getty Images/iStockphoto A woman showed up to a Florida Lottery office to ...
A Virginia man said going on an errand to replace the tires on his vehicle led to his winning a $250,000 lottery prize.
SEMINOLE COUNTY, Fla. (WFLA) — A Florida Circle K manager was arrested Wednesday after deputies said she took nearly $36,000 worth of lottery books and cashed out a winning scratch-off ticket ...