To connect worlds, one had to protect them. The Han emperors understood this, and the Great Wall was built over 11,000 ...
The "Colorful Danxia" of Zhangye SUN ZHIJUN/FOR CHINA DAILY/TONG YUNSHAN/CHINA DAILY Constructed with alternating layers of sandstone ... and their layered sedimentary rocks.
The long-lasting edifices like temples and forts, were built of stone; not only for their durability but also to convey deep philosophical, religious, and cultural meaning.
Set in a 738 acre Denver Mountain Park, Red Rocks Amphitheatre is no ordinary stage — it’s also a geological wonder. Discover ...
NASA’s Curiosity rover has unearthed the largest organic molecules ever detected on Mars—possible fragments of fatty ...
Exactly what kind of microbes bored into the rock remains unknown, as does whether they still exist or have long since gone extinct. Whatever formed the burrows had to be alive, since researchers ...