But it and the other Sacraments give us the grace needed to "work out (our) own salvation with fear and trembling." [Phil 2:12]. In summary the symptoms of original sin demonstrate our need for God.
The Romans Road is God’s complete plan of salvation as detailed in the book of Romans. It begins by establishing that God is ...
Every Christian has been given a mission and some type of ministry. Gifts, talents, and special abilities are distributed ...
Baptism does what nothing else can. As Martin Luther said, by baptism “we are made holy and are saved, which no other kind of ...
In the Church, we are made children of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob -- the God who makes known His name and His ways to Moses in today's First Reading. Mindful of His covenant with Abra ...
The month of March is dedicated to women, in recognition of their invaluable contribution to the liberation of society, in ...
During a recent sermon, Pastor Olukoya delved into the mysteries surrounding blood, stating that it carries a unique ...
There’s a strange irony in watching progressives declare that rejecting DEI is somehow un-Christian. A recent MSNBC article by Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons ...
After Baptism if we sin deliberately and remain unrepentant, then we can lose the gift of salvation. In Baptism we receive Sanctifying Grace in our souls by no merit of our own, but afterwards we ...
Weekly sermon summaries for local and area churches.
In this column, we are going to look at the way the Church is the hope for a hopeless society. Jesus founded this Church, but ...
It can be hard to see the dignity of work in our post-industrial stratified world. In this Jubilee year, the church prompts ...