Two recent images related to the renovation of the Salt Lake Temple were excellent visuals that herald the colossal project’s ...
LOGAN - Local representatives of Cache Valley’s “Light the World Giving Machine” handed out over $275,000 to five local ...
The Mormon Land newsletter is The Salt Lake Tribune’s weekly highlight reel of news in and about The Church of Jesus Christ ...
( In Mathew 5:13-18 Christ lays out for the disciples what kind of character they are supposed to have; they are to be the salt of the earth, the light of the world- they are to be ...
Sue Garrett, a retired teacher who lives in Shelby County, has earned more than 1 million followers with her recipes, warmth ...
How it happened The Giving Machine is a fundraising initiative sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ...
Local leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints delivered a letter to the mayor of Fairview, Texas regarding ...
The pontiff released his weekly catechesis from the Gemelli Hospital, with a commentary on the Gospel passage about Nicodemus, opening a new chapter in his reflections on Jesus Christ our hope. In his ...