What we need in American politics today is a solid, immutable definition of centrist ... untrue claims are foundational to today’s Republican Party: ∎ The 2020 election was stolen, and ...
If the tapestry of President Donald Trump's egregious lies continues to shape policy, democracy itself is in danger.
The “Success Sequence Act” requires all public schools to teach the “positive personal and societal outcomes” associated with following this sequence: Obtain a diploma; enter the workforce/pursue a ...
Since 2017, The Associated Press has cataloged at least 147 state lawmakers across 44 states who have been accused of sexual ...
Then and now, the definition of patriotism summons complicated feelings that speak to politics, partisanship, and how love of ...
On his first day in office, Trump signed an executive order establishing the definition of “women” as adult human females and ...
Supporters promise lower crime and safer streets, while critics see a Republican power grab and disregard for voters' choice.
The Nevada Legislature, for example, expanded its definition of sexual ... then-Attorney General Curtis Hill, a Republican, of groping them at a 2018 party. Their accusations led to a misconduct ...