Iraq wants to diversify its economy away from oil and toward tourism. Although Western travelers have made headlines in ...
Purim, therefore, is the prototype for Jewish survival during exile. The Divine Providence hidden in apparently random events ...
The ancient Greeks and Romans built astonishing monuments like the Lighthouse of Alexandria and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and while only the Great Pyramid of Giza remains intact, we’ve ...
we remember the proclamation of the great King Cyrus the Great … he proclaimed that the Jewish exiles in Babylon can come back and rebuild our temple in Jerusalem … And we remember how a few ...
Assimilation was quite prevalent at the time with many prosperous exiled Jews preferring a liberal, cosmo-political approach as opposed to a conservative, separatist approach. Very few remained true t ...
He flaunted his pansexual lust in “Trash,” “Jet Boy,” and “Babylon,” while famously ... from the perspective of bassist Arthur Kane, who rebuilt his life working at a Mormon library.
Speaking about her heartbreaking time, Elaine told the Mirror in 2008 that she was determined to rebuild her life and ... including The Bill, Hotel Babylon, Casualty, M.I High, Call the Midwife ...
The Persian Empire conquered Babylon, and Cyrus treated the Jews with kindness, allowing them to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple (Ezra 1). God is always working, even when we don’t ...
The book of Malachi represents a time in Israel’s history where they were really just going through the motions. Their hearts were not into what they were to be doing ...