MAPS 4 advisers unanimously approved four sites for new youth centers. See what and where architects have proposed.
Menstruation is a natural biological process, but for those experiencing homelessness it can be a source of immense hardship.Without access to menstrual product ...
Oklahoma City approved four MAPS 4 youth centers in high-need areas, providing athletics, arts, education and mental health resources for local children.
Social Affairs Minister Saifullah Yusuf stated that the free public school for the poor (Sekolah Rakyat) is expected to break ...
The heat mapping of metros like Reno, Nevada, could be key to taming urban heat, saving lives and designing for a cooler ...
The talk in Tallahassee of ending the property tax in favor of increased sales taxes will make sure the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. We’d be better off with an income tax.
President Donald Trump is floating a “gold card" that would allow foreign nationals to enter U.S., replacing a controversial ...
WS/FCS unveiled a draft of new attendance zones for students in elementary, middle and high schools two weeks ago, the latest step in a two-year initiative to make schools more ...
Public review begins today on a set of revisions to Kern government's third attempt at a comprehensive environmental review that, in combination with a proposed county ordinance, would allow local ...
A new map shows which states will be hit hardest by proposed school meal funding cuts, potentially affecting millions of students.
Despite the buzz surrounding smart cities in urban-policy circles, studies are lacking on the evidence for what works, what ...
No. No secular music allowed in the house, no secular TV. I could only watch one show a week, and movies and cassette tapes ...