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“You can ignore calls, put your phone on silent mode, even switch it off, lock your gates, change your address, relocate ...
Many years ago, Astros radio play-by-play broadcaster Robert Ford penned an essay about his father, Robert “Rocky” Ford Jr., ...
In the spot, Murray looks into a mirror — and sees a dog. “Have you ever looked in the mirror and not seen yourself?” he says ...
Berlin: As the "Test Pattern" filmmaker takes sophomore film "Dreams in Nightmares" to the European market, Ford tells ...
The Trump administration’s efforts to dismantle the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau risk leaving Americans’ nearly $18 ...
If you're on an iPhone or iPad, open the app called Podcasts, or just tap this link. You can also download an app like ...
Save John Lilly, all these titles were in the Bright Future section reserved for first-time feature filmmakers, which is nice ...
Athens Area Council for the Arts presents two exhibits by regional Black artists: "I Am Her and She Is Me" by Dominique ...
What you should knowThe Eagles' Super Bowl parade begins at 11 a.m. and will march up Broad Street to the Philadelphia Museum ...
In a career that dates back to the 1970s, Ivan Nahem has written and performed music that defies convention. The vocalist and ...