So, what do forests mean to us today and how do they fit into the broader political debate around climate change and climate ...
Political ecology is a practice combining politics, economics and social factors, to create space for an intersectional approach that better serves people’s socio-economic needs while nurturing ...
Political ecology, as understood and taught at the UACM, draws on the humanities and uses critical theory, feminism, and ...
This paper introduces a political ecology of vernacular memory to discuss the Basongora people’s vernacular memories of their historical dispossession to create the Queen Elizabeth National Park (QENP ...
Using concepts and analytical tools grounded in political ecology and critical development studies, the course examines several topics, including: the politics of sustainable development; ...
human and political ecology, pastoralism, conservation and sustainability, museums, semiotics, concepts of “care,” nationalism and ethnic identity, racial constructs, post-colonialism, refugees and ...
The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. World Review of Political Economy Vol. 13, No. 4, Winter 2022 THE ROLE OF DISTINCTION IN DIALECTICAL A... THE ROLE OF DISTINCTION IN DIALECTICAL ...
ecology, and morphology, statistical modeling, and close interdisciplinary engagement with ideas from evolutionary theory, queer and feminist science and technology studies, political ecology, ...