Despite statewide restrictions on the deadly poisons, new research shows they’re still infiltrating the food web.
Related: Snake Catcher Finds 'Highly Venomous' Snake Hiding So Deep in a Couch ... according to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Never miss a story — sign up for PEOPLE's free daily ...
Diplomats in Vietnam warned Washington that halting USAID’s efforts to clean up the massive deposit of postwar pesticides ...
B7, the youngest member of the North Coast's California condor flock, has died from lead poisoning after just three months in ...
Randomised shops and events force you to adapt your build as you go, whether you're creating a menagerie of poison fish, ...
With funding set to run out at 12:01 a.m. Saturday, several more Senate Democrats remain noncommittal while others publicly ...
Poisoning weeds, ripping out hedges, and planting 'pretty' but ecologically useless non-native flowers and shrubs make for ...
4️⃣ Sexual cannibalism: A type of male octopus injects a powerful poison into the hearts of females before mating to avoid ...
Jet fuel has spilled into the North Sea after an oil tanker collided with a cargo ship off the coast of East Yorkshire. US ...
Campen had not been surprised when the water samples they collected from around Albuquerque, where they lived, were full of ...
For more than a century, Fort Benning’s name honored a Confederate general who supported slavery. The military changed the ...