What’s the best approach when looking to influence colleagues, friends and family to act more sustainably in their daily ...
Drinksworld Champions Eco-Friendly Alternatives to Plastic Bottles.New York, USA, March 18, 2025 -- With over 60 million plastic bottles ...
A new survey finds that more than half of respondents support a bottle bill in RI, fueling efforts to set up a redemption ...
The opening credits of that hit 1970s TV sitcom showed the two friends and bottle cappers standing along a beer bottling line ...
Sweden’s beverage container deposit-return system operator reports a 6 percent increase in cans and bottles returned last ...
In 1950, global plastic production was about 2 million tons. It's now about 400 million tons—an increase of nearly 20,000%.
Creek and environmental cleanups reveal a growing plastic problem that advocates say lawmakers can no longer ignore.
Bottle-tethering is a simple change manufacturers can make to reduce the mountains of plastic waste polluting our beaches, rivers and oceans. The large multinational beverage producers like Coca ...
Coca-Cola products will account for an estimated 603 million kg of plastic waste entering the world's oceans and waterways ...
Coca-Cola products will account for an estimated 1.33 billion pounds of plastic waste entering the world's oceans and ...
The Coca-Cola Co. has committed to disclosing its ongoing investments in reusable bottles and to report the results of those ...