This bright and beautiful fast-growing perennial plant is a great addition to your garden if you're looking for new flowers ...
With so many to choose from, select the milkweed that is best suited to the growing conditions, your landscape design and garden maintenance. Some milkweeds are very aggressive and can quickly ...
If you haven't had much success with houseplants in the past, it may be time to reconsider what you are trying to grow and ...
Forcing rhubarb ensures ruby-red stalks grow before summer, but those hoping for an early crop could jeopardise it if they ...
Not all plants require deadheading. Save time in the garden without sacrificing blooms by growing plants that you don’t need ...
April is known as the crossroads between cold winter-like weather and the warmth of spring - and these eight flowers are a ...
This flowering perennial is a favorite of pollinators like hummingbirds and bees. It loves damp soil, making it perfect for ...
A well-rooted garden is something to be treasured, but not all of us inherited lush foliage and mature perennials. Here's how ...
Another early spring-flowering plant which you will find right now at garden centers is ranunculus ( Ranunculus asiaticus ), ...
MacCubbin gives Florida gardening advice on firespikes, St. Augustine lawns, allamanda, baghiagrass, roebelinii and ...
The pop-up shop was put on by Plumley’s Garden Centre and sold a range of perennial plants including lavender, aubrieta, and saxifrage.
Narcissus ‘Stainless’: Another exquisite, pale-flowered daffodil without even a hint of yellow, its large, shallow, ...