The City of College Station issued a proclamation just in time for National Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month.
The number of patients suspected of having contracted hepatitis A was seven times as high in the first 2 months this year as ...
The arc of biotechnology is one of breakthroughs and struggles, writes Tim Hunt, CEO of the Alliance for Regenerative ...
About 30% of people hospitalized due to acquired hemophilia have a bleeding event, while 17% have a blood clot-related ...
The Government of Kerala oversees the Kerala State Lotteries program. It was founded in 1967 and is the first of its kind in ...
A sickle cell gene therapy treatment has allowed a Long Island man to turn a chapter in his life, with doctors declaring him ...
Black don’t crack.” “It is not that racist ideas and largely fake data are present in the literature,” Newman would later ...
Columnist G. Shellye Horowitz chats with Hannes Jung, creator of the Bleeder app, which helps hemophilia patients track ...
An Obama judge is very upset about the alleged mistreatment of Venezuelan gangsters. Judge Patricia A. Millett, who serves on the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, has claimed that ...
This infographic explores the role of gene therapy in treating haemophilia, focusing specifically on haemophilia A and B. It ...