These examples have further highlighted how Kolkata's pandals are not only about artistry but also about educating and raising awareness on social concerns.
And, while in another article, you will find our list of top picks of South Kolkata Durga puja pandals, here’s a list of the ...
West Bengal government has made it clear that it is not interested in preserving this environment-friendly mode of transport ...
the park remains an important stop for the yearly Durga Puja Pandal-hopping tradition in Kolkata. On other days, Mohammad Ali Park remains a public park open to those looking for a quick break ...
You would not know it but he has a hand in as many as 29 pandals that adorn Colombo commemorating the 2600 Sambuddhathva Jayanthi. In his early eighties, Mervyn Senaratne is the brains behind as many ...
Millions of people visit Kolkata every year to attend the four ... Durga Puja committees set up huge pandals to install the idols and host thousands of people to celebrate the festival.
The Durga Puja in Kolkata is one of the most phenomenal events of the country. The whole city of joy lights up with creative durga pandals and zestful celebrations The Kali puja is another major ...
Kolkata observes Dusshera with Durga Puja, featuring stunning artistic displays, grand and imaginative pandals, intricate idols of the goddess, and a variety of delicious sweets ...