The Julian Historical Society has acquired several historic sites now open as museums, including the Washington Mine, the Santa Ysabel School at Witch Creek (moved to Julian near the Pioneer Museum), ...
Linear Elamite writing was used at least from the reign of King Puzur-Shushinak, shortly after the collapse of the Akkadian empire around 2150 bce, until the reign of Pala-ishan around 1880 ...
The museum devotes an exhibition to an often overlooked era of Chinese bronzes, emphasizing both the artistic and political ...
Despite his humiliating defeat against the Gurajara Pratihara King Nagabhatta II, he managed to salvage the pride of Pala Empire and extended his kingdom to entire Bengal and Bihar. Dharmapala ...
Stunningly and unexpected, virtually all of the selections on view in this exhibition are complete. Co-organized by the Art Institute and Rome-based Torlonia Foundation, it is the first time works ...
Culling ancient works from the Asia Society’s collection, Rina Banerjee, Howardena Pindell, and Byron Kim look to the past to challenge ideas of identity and authenticity.
An incredibly rare and museum-quality 11th century brass figure of Vajravarahi from Northeastern India, dating from the Pala Period; an important 10th century lacquered wood sculpture of Amida Buddha; ...
This week in Newly Reviewed, Will Heinrich covers three group shows that delve into the rich traditions of Asian art. The glimmering ... Central Terminal and the Empire State Building conjured ...
A multidisciplinary and international research project has brought fresh insights into the origins and diversity of the populations that lived under and after the Hun empire between the late 4th ...
Perga’s was once a key sculpture-producing location for the entire Roman Empire. The city of Perga was renowned throughout the Roman Empire for its skilled laborers’ production of marble ...