Een levensgevaarlijke namaak-oxycodonpil is online in omloop, zo waarschuwde het Trimbos-instituut eerder deze week. De ...
Tienduizenden mensen gebruiken het, maar bijna niemand praat erover. Andrew Scherpenisse wel. Hij is maar wat blij dat hij veel is afgevallen dankzij Saxenda - een ‘broertje’ van het omstreden ‘obesit ...
De filmpjes waarmee Lotte van Eijk furore maakt op Instagram zijn komisch maar bovenal bloedserieus. We moeten stoppen met ...
When it comes to people allegedly lying about their Ozempic use, Megan Stalter has some thoughts. During a recent appearance on the "Grindr Presents: Who’s The A--hole? with Katya" podcast ...
Introducing Hot Shots, a series that examines how Ozempic and other GLP-1 drugs have transformed the way we think about our bodies, weight loss, and wellness. Before Naveini Vasikaran started ...
Introducing Hot Shots, a series that examines how Ozempic and other GLP-1 drugs have transformed the way we think about our bodies, weight loss, and wellness. Ozempic and other GLP-1 drugs like it ...
Money may not grow on trees — but Ozempic soon might. A team of enterprising University of Ottawa undergraduate students have unveiled a project that could revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry.
The increasing popularity of weight loss drugs like Wegovy®, Ozempic, Mounjaro and metformin may have you wondering how all these options stack up. Are there benefits to one over the other?
All these years later, it wasn't until my journey with Ozempic that I realized my food-related trauma grew from my family's unconscious reaction to not being able to have enough to eat under ...