every beating of my heart may henceforward be an act of compassion to thy sorrows, and of complacency for the glory thou now enjoyest in heaven. Since then, O dear mother, I now compassionate thy ...
On the 62nd World Day of Prayer for Vocations, the pope calls youth to embrace their vocations with faith and courage.
BROOME COUNTY, N.Y. (WBNG) -- Catholic Charities of Broome County and a woman inspired by her friend are partnering to ensure ...
What began as a shared life fell apart as the wife abandoned their faith, turned their home into a drinking den, a shrine and ...
He was preceded in death by his parents. Visitation will be 10 to 10:50 a.m. Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish-St. Matthias Church, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at ...
Martin Steven Novotny and Dorothy Lux (aka Luks) left what is now northeast Slovakia for a new life in America and married in ...
The “Virtuous Fall of the Girls from Our Lady of Sorrows,” by Gina Femia, will be performed April 3-5 in the Wright Memorial Theatre on the campus of Middlebury College.
Cardinal Jose Advincula of Manila made a pastoral visit to inmates at Pasay City Jail on Tuesday, encouraging them to open ...
Choosing a baby name is one of the most significant decisions parents make, as it shapes a child’s identity for life. While ...