Despite the region’s impressive heritage and history, Egypt was not an independent nation until 1922 under the reign of King Fuad I. Although its former coloniser Britain retained influence until the ...
Since Benito Mussolini, too, is a Great Editor, the Italian people read in their papers last week nothing about Abyssinia except references to the “arrogance and provocation” with which Power ...
To relieve young Count Ciano’s ufficio stampa (Press Bureau) of any difficulty in explaining Italy’s future moves in Abyssinia, Dictator Mussolini as War Minister abruptly took over its functions.
And worse would follow. In October 1935, Italy invaded Abyssinia (now Ethiopia). Mussolini’s heavily armed forces overwhelmed the country’s ill-equipped defenders and claimed victory after ...
Trump, the would-be steward of Greenland and Gaza, has little use for that principle. He’s said that Russia has fought hard ...
The tale of The Daily Beast is an object lesson in why you should be careful who or what you compare yourself to. For those of you who don't know how the lefty outlet got its name, the moniker comes ...
Who can doubt that if Castro had the ability, he wouldn’t follow Mussolini’s example and find some Caribbean Abyssinia to invade? Actually, now that I think of it he (sorta kinda) did.
Mussolini argued that “giving this interview to your paper, which has been so unfair and so hostile to our cause” showed that he bore no malice. In a leading article on the page opposite the interview ...
John Gooch is Emeritus Professor of International History, University of Leeds (UK) and author of Mussolini's War: Fascist Italy fromn Triumph to Collapse, 1935-1943, to be released December 1. On ...