There are two major Eid celebrations each year. One marks the end of the month of Ramadan, while the other takes place during ...
Find out what percentage of adults have joined or left Islam, or remained Muslim since childhood, in 13 countries. Pew ...
The Muslim Council of Elders organised a communal Iftar event for religious leaders and figures in Indonesia, attended by ...
Beijing’s outreach builds relationships with prominent Muslim organizations, while influencing the narratives about China’s ...
SINGAPORE: A mosque officer, whose job scope included leading prayers, was at his workplace when he touched a boy's private ...
The skull is among thousands of human remains the university has said it will return to their original Native American ...
The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister claimed that Muslims are the safest in the state and stressed that people of both ...
Beware attempts to blur the line between valid criticism of political Islamism and anti-Muslim discrimination.
Intermarriages across faiths are not very common in India, except in Bollywood stories. Only 1% of Indians say they are ...
Muslim organisations have also appealed to community members across Andhra to refrain from attending government-sponsored ...
For many people, religion helps protect against depression by providing social support networks, frameworks for understanding ...
A U.S. panel on religious freedom said on Tuesday the treatment of minorities in India is deteriorating and it recommended ...