The scene of a holy procession navigating tables and chairs is no longer the realm of surrealism. Sadly, it has become ...
The Victorian electric fan bears the engraving of a young Edison and an inscription. Read more at
Temporal dislocation-the sensation of experiencing multiple temporalities at once-can be felt inside three galleries of New ...
With his engineering background, he thought about his work differently from how other artists did. His abiding interest was ...
Fred Eversley, a sculptor who spun his scientific training into art, died in New York on March 14 at 83. A spokesperson for ...
A layered metallic coffee table is centered in the living room, while one of the dining tables features a monolithic travertine pedestal with a sculptural accent. Nearby, the chef’s kitchen has ...
The statue of Mary itself is to be 133.2-feet high, sitting atop a pedestal in the form of a 50-foot-high crown. "Mary is the model of perfect love and obedience to Christ. God preserved Mary from ...